The data confirms it. In Brazil, smartphones surpassed computers in terms of internet access in , according to IBGE . And in an IAB investigation in , % of Brazilians said they watched more videos on their phone than a year ago. Therefore, when you think about mobile video, you are creating a way to become part of consumers' daily lives, since cell phones and videos are often present in their routine. . Capture attention at the time of purchase Today, purchasing decisions are not as simple as they once were.
The consumer goes through various channels, transitions HT Lists between online and offline, consumes different types of content, evaluates the different options and, finally, makes their decision. Nowadays, the phone works as a personal shopping assistant , in which the user can ask questions, consult information and see testimonials from other consumers. Then, videos can also be used in these strategic decision moments with maximum power: they are capable of capturing attention and persuading effectively. . Create an emotional connection with the consumer Investing in mobile video is also a way to get closer to your audience.

The phone provides a more intimate experience than the television or computer, since it is very close to the user — literally in the hand, face to face with them. According to a Google search , smartphone users are more likely to feel an emotional connection with brands that create video content than TV (x larger) and desktop (.x larger) audiences. Therefore, this is your opportunity to talk to consumers and gain their trust, creating emotional ties in this relationship. . Increase participation in social networks On Facebook and Instagram, more than million hours of videos are watched every day. And, between and , video uploads on these platforms grew by % .