What is a planner? Nobody better than Antonio Monerris (Communication Strategy) to summarize it. «The strategic planner is responsible for channeling and guiding the communication approach. Its mission should be to ensure that creative efforts are oriented in the right direction and, on the other hand, to provide tools so that creative exploration is more effective, correctly oriented and enhanced with knowledge of the contexts in which it is going to be carried out, that is, , starting from the consumer, the brand and the competition as cardinal vectors of the work to be done. The planner is an instance of reflection, analysis, evaluation, integration and questioning within the agency. Its analysis process is somewhat more methodological and more conceptually and abstractly oriented. The creative in any of the communication fields synthesizes and explores the potential of languages to overcome barriers or to build units of persuasion and relationship with their audiences. However, the planner seeks to illuminate the attention and focus of the creative organization and above all to ensure that the analysis and reflection of the available information translates into a clear notion of what we want, can and are going to say.
In another order of things, the planner must also ensure that the client's objectives and perspectives are correctly translated, translating business strategies into communication strategies.Non-existent loyalty expresses that promiscuous or disloyal behavior, whereby consumers do not commit themselves emotionally or in their behavior to any given brand. Latent loyalty occurs when there is a certain commitment, which, in any case, is not accompanied by a frequent transaction compared to others. Feigned loyalty occurs when, due to lack of time, resources, information or offers, consumers choose in a more or less Industry Email List forced way to make a purchase from the same brand on many occasions. Authentic loyalty transcends the previous three cases and includes voluntariness, intention and motivation to generate a stable commitment. The attitudinal and behavioral perspectives are very high here. Philip Kotler said that “most marketing departments have to work very hard to develop a strong brand image so that the customer has the feeling that if they buy that brand they will get value.” In the end, loyalty has to do with working all the brand's touch points. Nothing else, but nothing less.

Time for the decision-purchase shock. Time for the rational and the irrational. Time to convert logic into subconscious feelings and desires. The best opportunity to understand the consumer and drive the brand lies in finding the moment in which the user behavior occurs. Not before. Not after. It's that moment. The moment. Memorize and you will lose The emergence of an alternative to market research measures, very memorization and persuasion, and which can kill a great creative idea. Utopia of the truth The fundamental principle of market research is that you can ask people questions and that what they answer will be true. It's naive. Want vs duty, an eternal debate Neuroscientists say we actually feel more than we think, and that emotion plays a crucial role in decision-making. Why will neuroscience influence brand management? Neuromarketing investigates key cognitive processes such as perception, attention, reasoning, decision making and emotion. And it does so with one certainty: the brain does not function like a computer that has roles assigned by area, but rather like a biological ecosystem.