In terms of statistical analysis
That is, as raised in research question , age information is also collected, but question is the age group collected, and the result can only be category A, category B, category C or category D. The user's age is also collected, but the data variables collected in Question and Question are completely different. Different variables have different data analysis methods and modeling, so the variable standards have a great impact on the application and conclusions of later statistical analysis methods. At the very beginning of the project, we should set variable standards, which determine how the project will be done later. The standard of variables is a top priority, but it is often overlooked by many of us. Let me introducea little more here. Research projects usually Austria WhatsApp Number do not set up just one research question, so generally there is not only one data variable. For another simple example, when doing crowd segmentation and product research, we need to know comprehensive information about users. The data variables collected can include age, gender, income, family structure, city of residence, preference for specific products, etc. In No further introduction will be given here. Now that we have established the variable standards required for the project, the question arises, how should we collect this information Data collection,
also called data sampling, is required to collect our samples.sample data is a subset of our target population data sources. There are many sampling methods, and the best sampling method is determined by understanding the data variables and data structure. Under normal circumstances, the one we use the most is simple random sampling. The most basic principle of sampling, to simplify it, is that the probability of capturing every data point from the data source is the same. This sentence is a bit vague. Let me explain it with an example.