If you are logged in with the same Google account
However, with the move to GA4, many websites began to receive cookie collection consent in accordance with GDPR guidelines, and it was no longer possible to accurately identify users' data using cookies alone. Let's take a look at how GA4 identifies and collects user data, and how we should understand the data in GA4. Differences in data identification methods between UA and GA4 GA4 identifies user data in the following four ways and uses it as a reporting ID . User-ID User-ID is an encrypted ID given to users who log in with the website's member ID. This is the most reliable method of data identification as it is a user who logs in directly to the website. However, in order to use User-ID, separate development work is required, and ID variables must be set according to the recommended rules provided by Google so that the user's personal information cannot be inferred.This identification data is collected only from users who are logged in to their Google account Cambodia Phone Number Data and have the 'Ads personalization' feature turned on. , you can be identified as the same user even if the device or browser is different. Previously, the Google Ad Personal Optimization feature was activated by default when signing up for Google membership, but now it is deactivated when signing up for Google membership. * Google signal data has been removed from GA4 reporting ID as of February 12. Device ID This is the user identification method used by UA by default. When you visit a website with GA code inserted, a GA cookie is created in the browser and the user is identified by assigning a client ID to each cookie. However, because users are identified based on browsers, there is a problem that when the same user uses different browsers or devices, each case is recognized as a different user. data modeling For users who do not consent to cookie collection, GA4 has no way to identify the user. In this case, a random device ID is reset each time the page is loaded.
GA4 displays these unidentifiable users as data estimated through data modeling. In this case, user data is modeled based on data from users who have accepted cookies and show similar behavior. Modeling your user's behavior can be enabled via the 'consent mode' described above. However, modeling can be used when sufficient data parameters are secured. Cookieless era, data collection in GA4 With the transition of Google Universal Analytics (hereinafter “UA”) to GA4, Google has diversified the way it collects and identifies user data. This is because in an environment where cookie collection is limited, there is a high possibility that the method used in existing UA alone will not sufficiently secure data reliability.