Advertisers may want to note that the same ad scheduling adjustments are made
When you optimize the areas mentioned in your funnel, you’ll be confident that you’ve made the right decision! Ad Scheduling One way for users to target ads, or even just make some bid adjustments, is to use ad scheduling. Advertisers can choose the time and day of the week they want their ads to appear. They can also schedule time to make certain bid adjustments.It's important to remember that these are different channels, so you'll need to B2B Email List understand how ad scheduling works for each channel and examine the data to see which channel works best for your account. Differences between google-microsoft-ads-ad-schedule In Google Ads, when you go to edit your ad schedule (shown above), Google will remind you of the time zone your account is in.
This is because the timing of your ads on Google depends on the time zone you selected when you created your Google ad account. In the image above, the account is in Pacific Time and positioned for all times of the day. If this account targets the United States but wants to change the time to 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, then they must remember that users at 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM Eastern Time will see the ad: 00 PM If this sounds less than ideal,