Even if the card's email is
Basically the card is used to look for trends, patterns and anomalies. So if a card's open rate is below % or inconsistent then it's likely that the card's reputation is not good enough. If the card's open rate continues to decrease then this A clear indication that the card's reputation is poor and that the card needs to fix it. If the recipient does not open the card's email, the mail server may reject.Bounce, or block the card's email. As a result, engagement Netherlands Telemarketing Data rates will drop further thereby damaging the brand's reputation. . A bad IP reputation will manifest itself in the form of decreased or poor open rates. Additionally this will also affect the server in terms of their ability to email cards again. Causes of Bad Reputation A bad or mediocre reputation is usually a sign of The exchange effect of the emails.
You send results in. In other words if a card has a low email open rate, a high bounce rate and more spam bounces the card will have a poor reputation. On the other hand if the card has a higher open rate , lower bounce rates and fewer spam bounces A brand will have a better reputation. If a brand sends a lot of emails for an email marketing campaign it is important that all emails reach the inbox.